Monetizing Your movement

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I don’t know about you…
… But i used to believe in order to change the world i had to give up making money.

That becoming wealthy wasn’t an option if i wanted to live the expression of the spiritual side of my life.

I had a money mindset problem!

I can remember the day when that was challenged!

I was sitting front row at a table in an annual planning event of 100 people…

The speaker asked me what do you need to achieve your goals this year?
I blurted it out… “Money”

“Why don’t you have enough Duane?”

Well, uh… um, ah … 😳
“I suck at fundraising four our charity, How can i beg people for money”

Then my bad belief was thrown into the fire.
“Maybe you lack money because your telling yourself the wrong story Duane, Your impacting lives… people want to be a part of your movement!”

Well, it didn’t happen overnight… but this is what i realized…

👉 More Money creates the opportunity for More Impact!

Leaving a Legacy of wisdom and wealth!

In this weeks episode of the Marketing Your Movement Show I’m sharing about the mindset behind monetizing your movement…
… The 3 ways to frame how your serving people.

Go listen and think about how you can creatively structure monetizing your movement!

The Marketing Your Movement Show dedicated to empowering brands to reachthe right people, with the right offer, in the right way. Authentic relationship is the foundation of your success, and creating a movement is the most profitable way to market and monetize your personal brand.This show

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