3 of My Favorite Impact Marketing Books – Have You Read Any of These?

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John Alfred Langford Once Said, “No matter what his rank or position may be, the lover of books is the richest and the happiest of the children of men.”

When I got my start in digital marketing books promptly took the place of my video game binges…. Becoming some of my best friends… Accompanied by early morning coffee 😜

They spoke to me in ways mere humans could not, they were a constant companion when there was no one on the other end to send text messages for help. Books were there in hotel rooms and on long train rides in India with the smell of curry breath and while I was standing in line to get my Starbucks fix.

As Gordon MacDonald points out… “We do not develop our intellects merely for our own personal advancement, but we put our thinking to work for the use of others… As my mind grows, it may make possible the growth of others.”

These are some of my recent favorites – so whether you’re looking for a fresh source of inspiration, education, or just plain entertainment, consider checking these out. There are tons of great titles out there, but these have been really meaningful to me.

Book #1: Launch By Jeff Walker

‘Launch’ was the book that opened up my eyes… widening the horizons of possibilities. Something clicked when I read launch, not so much in the tactical, but on the foundations of customer approach.

Whether you have an existing business, or you have a service-based business and want to develop your own products so you can leverage your time and your impact, or you’re still in the planning phase—this is how you start fast. This formula is how you engineer massive success.

One of my favorite quotes from this book was “…People find conversations a lot more interesting than monologues or lectures…. The simple fact is that we enjoy doing business with people we know, like, and trust.

If you’d like to get it on Amazon, here’s the link.👌

Book #2: StoryBrand by Don Miller

Yes that Don Miller, the ‘Blue Like Jazz’ author. Story and Branding go together like coffee and creamer, and Don has been a publisher, story-teller and digital marketer bringing it all together with the age-old art of engaging and compelling your audience with the story.

The principles of this book are a foundational understanding of communicating in a way that connects to the human heart. “Everyone communicates but few connect!”

“This revolutionary method for connecting with customers provides readers with the ultimate competitive advantage, revealing the secret for helping their customers understand the compelling benefits of using their products, ideas, or services.”

One of my favorite quotes from this book was “Can your products or services be positioned as tools your customers can use to fight back against something that ought not be?“. If you’d like to get it on Amazon, here’s the link. 👏

Book #3 Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

You can change the world through marketing… Wait what??? Shut the front door!!! You mean sales and marketing doesn’t equate to being a sleezey jack*@% 😠? Yes! 👍 I wholeheartedly believe that marketing is a special opportunity to change hearts and minds of people… Great Marketing delivers transformation…

…The impact that the right message can have on someone at the right time in their life is immeasurable. It could help to save marriages, repair families, change someone’s health, grow a company or more…

One of my favorite quotes from this book was “Your message has the ability to change someone’s life.” 

If you’d like to get it on Amazon, here’s the link.😮

Reading books is transforming my mind … resetting the way I think about sales and marketing.

“Read at every wait; read at all hours; read within leisure; read about in times of labor; read as one goes in; read as one goes out. The task of the educated mind is simply put: read to lead.” Cicero (Roman Statesman, Orator, Writer) 106-43 B.C.

What are some of your favorites? I’d love to hear them — especially if you’re in a season of transition. 💭Leave a comment below!

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