
Turn Advertising into profit by using marketing automation

Increasing sales and leads through an automated client acquisition System

Connect with the right people at the right time

Align Your

Infuse your missional vision into your marketing messaging!

Amplify Your

Expand your reach with a message awakening transformation and belief.

Automate Your

Multiply your time and energy with digital automation so you can focus on your mission!

What My Clients Say About Me

Bobby Haaby Testimonial Image

Duane has an uncanny ability to draw out the articulation of the message for communicating clearly!

Bobby Haaby
- Eagle mountain

I will guide you through Developing a holistic automated client acquisition system.

Schedule an initial Consultation

Assess your digital marketing and how best to connect with your audience.

Craft Your Marketing Narrative

Clearly articulate your message with a Story Based Marketing Script

Plan out your
sales Process

Develop a custom process for creating an automated marketing conversation.

Optimize through Feedback

Continue improving your marketing by analyzing your key metrics.

About Duane Zingale

I help Mission Driven Businesses and ministries articulate their Voice and develop a marketing strategy to engage their tribe with Inspirational messaging.

Expedite campaign construction

Put the pedal to the metal!
Contract a conversation catalyst execution team! Develop a portion or the entire marketing blueprint.

The Mission

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. Clarify the Articulation of your Dream. Catalyze your Legacy!
Communicate your valuable contribution to the world.